Ep. 58: September 2024 Astrology Forecast — Call & Response
As we journey through Virgo season and prepare to enter Libra season this September, we find ourselves in a space of discernment and refinement. The universe invites us to listen for the calls that echo through our lives this month, so we can learn to respond with clarity, purpose, and virtue. Before diving into the month's major astrology transits, we begin with a deep dive of the Virgo zodiac sign and archetype. We discover why Virgo wants us to master the art of separation and purification. Drawing inspiration from the myth of Echo and Narcissus, we examine what happens when calls go unanswered or are met with misunderstanding, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and self-refinement before engaging with the world. Through this lens, we explore Virgo’s role as the cosmic mediator between the self-focused energy of Leo and the relational focus of Libra. Understanding Virgo is a crucial step in our personal and spiritual evolution.
Each celestial event this months presents a unique "calling" — a cosmic invitation we're meant to "respond" to with discernment, adaptability, and insight. Important questions, or callings, are being asked of you: What can you purify in your life? How can you prepare yourself to respond to the calls that matter most? And how do you know the difference between the noise of the world and the true calling of your soul?
Themes and transits discussed in this episode include:
The symbolism of "call and response" as an overall theme for the month
Virgo's crucial role as the sign between Leo and Libra
Virgo as the Maiden and the Bird
The myth of Echo & Narcissus
The New Moon in Virgo (Sept. 2)
The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (Sept. 17)
Mars enters Cancer (Sept. 4)
Mercury enters Virgo (Sept. 8)
Sun enters Libra - Fall Equinox (Sept. 22)
Venus enters Scorpio (Sept. 22)
Mercury enters Libra (Sept. 26)
Uranus turns Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde re-enters Capricorn (Sept. 1)
Mercury follows the Sun's footsteps all month long
Mercury Cazimi in Libra (Sept. 30)
Extra Days of Caution (Sept. 15 and 22)
Extra Days of Opportunity (Sept. 3, 11, 14, and 29)
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Article: The Myth of Echo & Narcissus
Article: Speech Acts
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