Ep. 19: Serendipity Sessions — Emotionally (Un)available


Welcome to our second Serendipity Session. We began this series on the Clairannoyance podcast so we could have real-time unscripted conversations. Unlike our subject-specific deep dives and guest interview episodes, The Serendipity Sessions is a raw reflection of the genuine bond we share. We have no rules and no episode notes in advance, just a free-flowing exchange of thoughts and emotions. It's an exploration of the outer banks of consciousness where untamed treasures are hidden away. We believe one sudden insight can hold immense value, far beyond most meticulously planned discussions. Each session is a unique encounter with chance as we defying routine and enjoy a spontaneous dance with spirituality. We aim to keep these episodes as evergreen as possible, so you can find your way here whenever you need to. And hopefully, you'll encounter pieces of yourself every time you join us. 

In this installment of The Serendipity Sessions, we tackle (in some roundabout ways) the concept of emotional availability - and thus, emotional UNavailability.

Emotional availability is a crucial aspect of building meaningful relationships, where vulnerability and openness intertwine. While it's important to know your boundaries and when you have adequate space to hold for others, frequent emotional UNavailability can create barriers, hinder genuine connections, and leave people feeling isolated. Human behavior is complex, and you don't always have to be available for others - not even your best friends or family - but if you consistently shut out other people from expressing their emotions, the implications can be devastating.  


Serendipity brought us to a variety of discussion points including: 

  • Why people are emotionally unavailable

  • The difference between emotional unavailability and emotional terrorism

  • Why you should push back against "friends" who are always emotionally unavailable to you

  • The negative implications of emotional unintelligence

  • What the current astrology has to say about relationships and emotional connectivity

  • The harshness of shame when your emotions are discarded by others

  • Ways to be a more emotionally available and emotionally intelligent person

  • Will.i.am and Britney Spears' new song sucks

  • And more!

Additional Resources


Ep. 20: August 2023 Astrology Forecast


Ep. 18: The Business of Spirituality with Jason Freeland